Friday, November 10

A Scene in the Vineyards

I can't possibly comment on this, for I have not the words. Or rather, I have the words, but reading her latest post has shamed my tongue into uncharacteristic silence, if not paralysis.

Droll. Stirring. Amusing. Satirical. Insightful.

Damn good.

But don't take my tongue-tied word for it; go read for yourself.

Me? I'm going to sit in my shed and contemplate the grapes for a spell.

The Grapes of Domme


  1. Apparently, Ms. Susan, having become tired of the constant attentions of an admiring public, the pressures of opening various shopping agora, and being an inspiration for armies of young, handsome, virile defenders of the faith, has decided to not enable the Comment feature of her blog so that she might retain some small niche of privacy in her life.

    Though saddened, we naturally wish her well, and are grateful to accept the orts and crumbs that she throws our way.

  2. Ms. Susan wishes to thank you for clueing her in on proper usage of the flux capacitor in enabling the comment function.

    It is now on. Bob Koch left the first comment and won himself a new car.

  3. It is now on. Bob Koch left the first comment and won himself a new car.

    Dammit! Always a day late and a flux capacitor short.

  4. Sorry Tom, but I have to give you credit - you provided the link - keep up the good work.

  5. Sorry Tom, but I have to give you credit

    Oh sure. Easy for you to say; you got the damn car!
