Thursday, September 7

Welcome to The Edge of Vanilla

For those of you reading my original blog "The Tao of Me", I've moved to this journal (taking some of my favorites from the old one) for two reasons.

One is that the BloggerBeta was giving me some technical problems that made things inconvenient. I'm all about simplifying my life, and instead of hacking everything, it seemed easier to start from scratch.

The other is that the title of this blog is a better reflection of the direction that I'd like to see my journal take; an exploraton of sexuality and relationships, but with an acknowledgement that my own sexuality and thoughts and desires tend toward areas that seem to be just outside of the mainstream.

For old readers and those that know me through other groups and forums: thanks for continuing with your support and feedback.

For those who have just discovered me: I hope that this will be interesting enough for you to become regular readers.

Tom Allen


  1. Just testing the Recent Comment function.

  2. Hi Tom. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts here.

    Best regards,
    Thomas (the other Tom).

  3. Hmm.
    I'm a Tom.
    You're a Tom.
    Candace's husband is a Tom.

    Are you seeing a trend here? Perhaps handsome, intelligent, sensitive men named Tom make good pets?

  4. I'll take 3 Toms! :)

  5. Hi Sagi -

    This is going to be a little bit different from my LJ, and different from what I do in SSG. I'm not sure where this is going yet, but I expect that I'll be using this to bring some other aspects of my life into focus. I find that writing about them helps me to understand them better.

    Stop by anytime!

  6. Thor here, have a story to share. Will it publish if I'm just a follower?

    1. I'm going to suggest that you click the link above and visit The Edge of Vanilla on Wordpress.
